Dr. Savely is no longer accepting new patients.
The office is not keeping a waiting list but you may check back in 2-3 months to see if our status has changed.
We are not able to refer you to another provider so if you are a Lyme patient, please consult https://www.lymedisease.org for referrals. Morgellons patients may check with the Morgellons Foundation, thecehf.org for information about health care providers treating Morgellons disease.
Morgellons patients: If you are suffering from what you believe to be Morgellons disease symptoms you may ask your primary care doctor to email Dr. Savely at LymeDC@gmail.com and ask for her Morgellons treatment protocols. These will be sent by return email and there is no charge for this. She will only send these directly to a health care provider when specifically requested by them. We will not send this information to patients.
Answers to commonly asked questions about her practice are found by clicking on the FAQ link.
Information on current office location.